No matter what type of care and support your furry friend needs, rest assured that Kapiti Canines can provide what they need and more with experience, passion and fun. Keep browsing through our site to learn more!
Canes in ministerio - In service of dogs
Kapiti Canines offers the very best doggy daycare and pack socialisation service in the Kapiti Region. Our facility is purpose built to offer a safe, secure and stimulating environment for dogs of all breeds and sizes. Your dog will be picked up and delivered to and from your house in a professionally customised van. All dogs are fully supervised throughout the day.
Pickup and drop-off included
Large outdoor and indoor play areas
Multiple play surfaces including large mulched area
Dog friendly agility and play furniture
"The biggest reason that people have trouble with their dogs is that they have forgotten how to let them be dogs. The more we humanize our dogs, the more confused or neurotic we make them. A dog doesn’t know how to be a human any more than a human knows how to be a fish." - Cesar Millan
Our facility lets your dog be a dog, where they can play and interact in a safe and encouraging environment.
Initial assessment will include introducing you and your dog to the pack. During this time your dog will have its behaviour assessed for suitability and this is the best time to have any questions you may have answered.
"Todd is amazing, and Junior loves his adventures with his Kapiti Canine buddies each week. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Kapiti Canines to anyone wanting to give their fur kids time out with their own kind, in a safe, structured and relaxing pack environment with amazing pack leaders! Thanks Todd 😊"
Our doggo LOVES Kapiti Canines and gets so excited that she waits by the gate for pick up on the days she goes. She plays and plays for the day, and comes home exhausted which is perfect for our working family. The pick up and drop off service is fabulous.
Amanda & Junior
Aston & Lulu
Current Availability:
Mondays - Spaces available
Tuesdays - Spaces available
Wednesdays - Spaces available
Thursdays - Spaces available
Fridays - Closed
Standard daycare rate is $42 including pickup and drop-off
Monday - Thursday
Pickup: 7am - 9am
Drop-off: 2pm - 4pm
Visiting Hours: 10:30am - 12:00pm
Visit by appointment only